The Edwards Case
The News & Observer ran a story headlined “Trump case recalls John Edwards’ scandal in NC.”
Edwards’s prosecutor was a Republican, then-US Attorney George Holding. Holding later resigned to run for Congress, was elected and served four terms.
In 2012, Politico reported, “Holding conceded that the facts in Edwards’s case—payments made by political backers to hide a candidate’s mistress amidst a national campaign—were highly unusual, but he said that was no reason to ignore the case.”
Holding said in an interview then, “These were very unique facts, but [Edwards] was running for the highest office in the land. There’s a lot of scrutiny on that.”
He added, “If someone can get away with this, what do campaign finance laws mean?”
N&O story:
Politico article:

The Edwards Case

The News & Observer ran a story headlined “Trump case recalls John Edwards’ scandal in NC.”
Edwards’s prosecutor was a Republican, then-US Attorney George Holding. Holding later resigned to run for Congress, was elected and served four terms.
In 2012, Politico reported, “Holding conceded that the facts in Edwards’s case—payments made by political backers to hide a candidate’s mistress amidst a national campaign—were highly unusual, but he said that was no reason to ignore the case.”
Holding said in an interview then, “These were very unique facts, but [Edwards] was running for the highest office in the land. There’s a lot of scrutiny on that.”
He added, “If someone can get away with this, what do campaign finance laws mean?”
N&O story:
Politico article: