The Deficit Solution
October 4, 2010 - by
There is a simple and easy solution to our nation’s budget deficit. It’s bound to work, because it relies on the tremendous energy and enthusiasm that the Tea Party movement has brought to politics.
Here it is: All members of the Tea Party must give up any claim to government benefits, beginning with Medicare and Social Security.
This will immediately safeguard the long-term fiscal integrity of both these programs.
Then the next step: Tea Party members forego any use of public schools, community colleges and universities; any use of public roads, highways and airports; any use of public water and sewer systems and public parks, greenways, etc.
Real Americans like them surely will not hesitate at taking this step for their country’s fiscal sanity. And they can strike a blow against big government.

The Deficit Solution
October 4, 2010/

There is a simple and easy solution to our nation’s budget deficit. It’s bound to work, because it relies on the tremendous energy and enthusiasm that the Tea Party movement has brought to politics.
Here it is: All members of the Tea Party must give up any claim to government benefits, beginning with Medicare and Social Security.
This will immediately safeguard the long-term fiscal integrity of both these programs.
Then the next step: Tea Party members forego any use of public schools, community colleges and universities; any use of public roads, highways and airports; any use of public water and sewer systems and public parks, greenways, etc.
Real Americans like them surely will not hesitate at taking this step for their country’s fiscal sanity. And they can strike a blow against big government.