The Crazy Party
Returning to reality after a week off, I was struck by this from The New York Times report on President Biden’s State of the Union speech:
“Republican lawmakers shouted both ‘liar’ and ‘bullshit’ at parts of Mr. Biden’s speech, and no one appeared shocked.”
No one was shocked?
Has the Republican Party gone off the rails on a crazy train?
Has Donald Trump so coarsened the party of Lincoln, Eisenhower and Reagan?
Have Republican members of the United States Congress turned into high schoolers vying to be Most Outrageous?
The class clowns helped President Biden look like a mature, serious and responsible leader – and a quick, agile counterpuncher.
They may be snickering. But Biden got the last laugh.

The Crazy Party

Returning to reality after a week off, I was struck by this from The New York Times report on President Biden’s State of the Union speech:
“Republican lawmakers shouted both ‘liar’ and ‘bullshit’ at parts of Mr. Biden’s speech, and no one appeared shocked.”
No one was shocked?
Has the Republican Party gone off the rails on a crazy train?
Has Donald Trump so coarsened the party of Lincoln, Eisenhower and Reagan?
Have Republican members of the United States Congress turned into high schoolers vying to be Most Outrageous?
The class clowns helped President Biden look like a mature, serious and responsible leader – and a quick, agile counterpuncher.
They may be snickering. But Biden got the last laugh.