The Convention – Chris Christie
August 31, 2012 - by
Most of the politicians at the Republican Convention stood up talked about what ails America: Too much government. Too much spending. Too much debt.
Except Chris Christie.
Instead of what’s wrong, Christie talked about why it’s wrong.
He began with a story of his Sicilian mother, who’d been raised by her own single mother, telling him, One day, you’ll have to choose between love and respect. Choose respect. Then he got right to the point: Our country, he said, is paralyzed by the desire to be loved. Our leaders want to be popular and say Yes rather than No and the rest of us have chosen the same easy path and let them get away with it.
Next Christie drew a line in the sand – a line that, let’s hope, doesn’t prove to be imaginary – between Republicans and Democrats, saying, We believe in telling working families the truth about our nation’s fiscal realities…that we have no other option but to make the hard choices…They believe the American people don’t want to hear the truth…that the American people are content to live the lie with them.
The pundits didn’t have much love to offer Christie after his speech. Ann Coulter said she was disappointed. Another pundit complained Christie didn’t mention Mitt Romney enough. But every other speaker talked about the symptoms of the disease, like too much spending and too much debt – while Governor Christie talked about the cure.

The Convention – Chris Christie
August 31, 2012/

Most of the politicians at the Republican Convention stood up talked about what ails America: Too much government. Too much spending. Too much debt.
Except Chris Christie.
Instead of what’s wrong, Christie talked about why it’s wrong.
He began with a story of his Sicilian mother, who’d been raised by her own single mother, telling him, One day, you’ll have to choose between love and respect. Choose respect. Then he got right to the point: Our country, he said, is paralyzed by the desire to be loved. Our leaders want to be popular and say Yes rather than No and the rest of us have chosen the same easy path and let them get away with it.
Next Christie drew a line in the sand – a line that, let’s hope, doesn’t prove to be imaginary – between Republicans and Democrats, saying, We believe in telling working families the truth about our nation’s fiscal realities…that we have no other option but to make the hard choices…They believe the American people don’t want to hear the truth…that the American people are content to live the lie with them.
The pundits didn’t have much love to offer Christie after his speech. Ann Coulter said she was disappointed. Another pundit complained Christie didn’t mention Mitt Romney enough. But every other speaker talked about the symptoms of the disease, like too much spending and too much debt – while Governor Christie talked about the cure.