The Convention – Ann Romney
August 31, 2012 - by
The first night of the convention the Romney campaign set out to ‘humanize’ Mitt and after living with Mitt Romney for thirty years Ann Romney surely knew his virtues but by the same measure also knew his warts – which created a conundrum for Romney’s campaign staff.
I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of a campaign staff – Mitt Romney’s or Barack Obama’s or anyone else’s – sitting down in a room and saying, Well, let’s tell the whole truth. Instead, campaign staffs prefer to tell the part of the truth that will help elect Mitt Romney (or Barack Obama or whoever). So, naturally, Mitt Romney’s campaign didn’t want to talk about his warts – which left Mrs. Romney in an awkward spot. Because how on earth could she ‘humanize’ her husband without discussing the flaws that make him human?
Mrs. Romney tried with grace and humor but when she finished explaining her husband’s virtues I expect most women listening, who’d been through the experience of being married to one man for thirty years, thought, Yes, well, that’s fine. But that’s not the whole story – is it?

The Convention – Ann Romney
August 31, 2012/

The first night of the convention the Romney campaign set out to ‘humanize’ Mitt and after living with Mitt Romney for thirty years Ann Romney surely knew his virtues but by the same measure also knew his warts – which created a conundrum for Romney’s campaign staff.
I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of a campaign staff – Mitt Romney’s or Barack Obama’s or anyone else’s – sitting down in a room and saying, Well, let’s tell the whole truth. Instead, campaign staffs prefer to tell the part of the truth that will help elect Mitt Romney (or Barack Obama or whoever). So, naturally, Mitt Romney’s campaign didn’t want to talk about his warts – which left Mrs. Romney in an awkward spot. Because how on earth could she ‘humanize’ her husband without discussing the flaws that make him human?
Mrs. Romney tried with grace and humor but when she finished explaining her husband’s virtues I expect most women listening, who’d been through the experience of being married to one man for thirty years, thought, Yes, well, that’s fine. But that’s not the whole story – is it?