The Coming Electorate
November 29, 2010 - by
Want to know what North Carolina ’s electorate will look like in another, say, 10 years?
Look at what the public-school population looks like.
The N&O reported recently that, for the first time, minorities make up a majority of the Wake County school population.
And note: Hispanic students, now 14.6 percent of the enrollment are “the fastest-growing group in the school system.”
Wait ‘til they start voting. The Republican Party will pay a price for years of immigrant-bashing.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans

The Coming Electorate
November 29, 2010/

Want to know what North Carolina ’s electorate will look like in another, say, 10 years?
Look at what the public-school population looks like.
The N&O reported recently that, for the first time, minorities make up a majority of the Wake County school population.
And note: Hispanic students, now 14.6 percent of the enrollment are “the fastest-growing group in the school system.”
Wait ‘til they start voting. The Republican Party will pay a price for years of immigrant-bashing.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans