The Bottom’s Out of the Bucket?
thirty years rural voters have been the bedrock of the Republican Party.
President Bush beat John Kerry in rural America by 20%. But, suddenly, according
to a new poll ( rural voters are poised to vote Democratic. John
Edwards and Barack Obama are as popular in rural communities as President Bush,
John McCain and Rudy Giuliani. (Wal-Mart topped all the candidates. And the NRA
topped Wal-Mart.)
The war in Iraq. (Not fighting it but losing it.)
candidates have their fingers crossed hoping these strayed Republicans will
decide to come home before the election. But that’s no sure bet. Since this
poll was taken President Bush’s popularity has dropped another 7% – to 29% –
with virtually all of the drop coming among Republicans due to the President’s
unpopular stand on immigration. Rural Republicans aren’t moving toward Bush,
they’re moving away from him.
that continues, as Lincoln said, “Boys, I’m afraid the bottom’s out of the

The Bottom’s Out of the Bucket?

thirty years rural voters have been the bedrock of the Republican Party.
President Bush beat John Kerry in rural America by 20%. But, suddenly, according
to a new poll ( rural voters are poised to vote Democratic. John
Edwards and Barack Obama are as popular in rural communities as President Bush,
John McCain and Rudy Giuliani. (Wal-Mart topped all the candidates. And the NRA
topped Wal-Mart.)
The war in Iraq. (Not fighting it but losing it.)
candidates have their fingers crossed hoping these strayed Republicans will
decide to come home before the election. But that’s no sure bet. Since this
poll was taken President Bush’s popularity has dropped another 7% – to 29% –
with virtually all of the drop coming among Republicans due to the President’s
unpopular stand on immigration. Rural Republicans aren’t moving toward Bush,
they’re moving away from him.
that continues, as Lincoln said, “Boys, I’m afraid the bottom’s out of the