The Booze Cruise
You’ve got to give it
to the Democrats they’ve got ‘hutzpa.’ Last summer, Governor Easley’s minions in
state government arranged a cruise around Beaufort Harbor (with a steel drum
band, shrimp, lobster and plenty of liquor) to see the tall ships, spending $30,000
of taxpayers’ money. But that’s not what took ‘hutzpa.’ This is: Now, the
Democrats have dubbed their soiree ‘The Booze Cruise,’ and they’re attacking
Republican legislator Nelson Dollar for accepting their invitation to go along
with them. Dollar, of course, was foolish. But you’d think Democrats would be
too embarrassed by the whole imbroglio to even bring it up, much less put it in
a political ad. This attack should win an award for hypocrisy. Governor
Easley’s minions sponsor ‘The Booze Cruise,’ pay for it with taxpayers’ money,
then run ads blaming a Republican legislator as if the whole thing was his

The Booze Cruise

You’ve got to give it
to the Democrats they’ve got ‘hutzpa.’ Last summer, Governor Easley’s minions in
state government arranged a cruise around Beaufort Harbor (with a steel drum
band, shrimp, lobster and plenty of liquor) to see the tall ships, spending $30,000
of taxpayers’ money. But that’s not what took ‘hutzpa.’ This is: Now, the
Democrats have dubbed their soiree ‘The Booze Cruise,’ and they’re attacking
Republican legislator Nelson Dollar for accepting their invitation to go along
with them. Dollar, of course, was foolish. But you’d think Democrats would be
too embarrassed by the whole imbroglio to even bring it up, much less put it in
a political ad. This attack should win an award for hypocrisy. Governor
Easley’s minions sponsor ‘The Booze Cruise,’ pay for it with taxpayers’ money,
then run ads blaming a Republican legislator as if the whole thing was his