The Biased Media?
November 13, 2012 - by
Over on The Atlantic magazine’s website the liberal reporters were having a happy day after the election but not, as you’d expect, by celebrating Obama’s victory – instead, they were having a fine time ribbing conservative pundits from Ann Coulter to Karl Rove because they had said the polls that showed Obama leading Mitt Romney were dead-wrong.
For years, the reporters said, Conservatives have been calling the media biased but, in fact, this election when it came to reporting the facts wrong the most biased media wasn’t ABC or CBS – it was The Conservative Media.
The way the liberals see it, it’s a peculiar irony: People watching Fox News saw the election through the eyes of stars like Sean Hannity – they saw Hannity’s skewed version of the Presidential campaigns but never saw the election other people were seeing so, in the end, The Conservative Media did a better job misleading conservatives than the liberal media ever did.

The Biased Media?
November 13, 2012/

Over on The Atlantic magazine’s website the liberal reporters were having a happy day after the election but not, as you’d expect, by celebrating Obama’s victory – instead, they were having a fine time ribbing conservative pundits from Ann Coulter to Karl Rove because they had said the polls that showed Obama leading Mitt Romney were dead-wrong.
For years, the reporters said, Conservatives have been calling the media biased but, in fact, this election when it came to reporting the facts wrong the most biased media wasn’t ABC or CBS – it was The Conservative Media.
The way the liberals see it, it’s a peculiar irony: People watching Fox News saw the election through the eyes of stars like Sean Hannity – they saw Hannity’s skewed version of the Presidential campaigns but never saw the election other people were seeing so, in the end, The Conservative Media did a better job misleading conservatives than the liberal media ever did.