“That’s My Dad”

Gus Walz gave us the most moving moment I’ve ever seen in politics.

Tim Walz had just described “the hell that is infertility” that he and his wife Gwen experienced for years before fertility treatments led to the birth of their daughter, now 23.

“We named her Hope,” Walz said. “Hope, Gus and Gwen, you are my entire world, and I love you.”

Seventeen-year-old Gus, tears streaming, leapt to his feet, pointed to his father, turned to the crowd and yelled, “That’s my Dad!”

Gus is a high school senior. His parents say he has a non-verbal learning disorder, ADHD and an anxiety disorder.

MAGA world is already mocking Gus. There is no limit to their cruelty and churlishness. That’s who they are.

For three nights, Democrats have offered America something better.

They have introduced a new generation of leaders. The convention’s oratory, messaging, music, dancing, diversity, optimism, patriotism, energy, excitement and enthusiasm have electrified the party and transformed the election.

By the measure of polls and the antiquated, anti-democratic, 18th Century relic of the Electoral College, this is still a close election.

By the yardstick of human love and joy, Democrats have won by a landslide.

And one young man’s tears and pride in his father said more than an ocean of words can say.

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Gary Pearce




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“That’s My Dad”


Gus Walz gave us the most moving moment I’ve ever seen in politics.

Tim Walz had just described “the hell that is infertility” that he and his wife Gwen experienced for years before fertility treatments led to the birth of their daughter, now 23.

“We named her Hope,” Walz said. “Hope, Gus and Gwen, you are my entire world, and I love you.”

Seventeen-year-old Gus, tears streaming, leapt to his feet, pointed to his father, turned to the crowd and yelled, “That’s my Dad!”

Gus is a high school senior. His parents say he has a non-verbal learning disorder, ADHD and an anxiety disorder.

MAGA world is already mocking Gus. There is no limit to their cruelty and churlishness. That’s who they are.

For three nights, Democrats have offered America something better.

They have introduced a new generation of leaders. The convention’s oratory, messaging, music, dancing, diversity, optimism, patriotism, energy, excitement and enthusiasm have electrified the party and transformed the election.

By the measure of polls and the antiquated, anti-democratic, 18th Century relic of the Electoral College, this is still a close election.

By the yardstick of human love and joy, Democrats have won by a landslide.

And one young man’s tears and pride in his father said more than an ocean of words can say.

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Gary Pearce

