That’s Entertainment…
January 20, 2012 - by
Ole’ Mitt Romney’s hit a rough patch – a week ago he was the conqueror of Iowa and New Hampshire and rolling to victory in South Carolina then his victory in Iowa vanished in front of his eyes and Newt shot past him in South Carolina.
The Republican Establishment’s a peculiar beast: Armed with legions of political masterminds and lobbyists it’s handpicked every Republican nominee from George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole to George W. Bush to John McCain but this year it can’t quite seem to get Mitt Romney across the finish line.
It’s like voters look at Romney and remember the first President George Bush saying ‘Read my lips – no new taxes,’ and the second President Bush piling on the spending. and say, We’ve seen this before.
Newt’s got enough warts and foibles to frighten even the most jaded skeptic but one thing he’s not is the Washington Establishment’s candidate – and, beyond that, he’s got one other big edge on Romney.
In the last South Carolina debate Romney was affable and intelligent but he was up against something a lot stronger than brains.
The first two minutes of the debate Newt took apart and filleted John King then when King didn’t have the good sense to hush about ‘Open Marriages’ Newt filleted him again and it was pure entertainment. And I’m guessing a fair number of people are going to vote for Newt out of appreciation for the good time.
Posted in General, National Republicans

That’s Entertainment…
January 20, 2012/

Ole’ Mitt Romney’s hit a rough patch – a week ago he was the conqueror of Iowa and New Hampshire and rolling to victory in South Carolina then his victory in Iowa vanished in front of his eyes and Newt shot past him in South Carolina.
The Republican Establishment’s a peculiar beast: Armed with legions of political masterminds and lobbyists it’s handpicked every Republican nominee from George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole to George W. Bush to John McCain but this year it can’t quite seem to get Mitt Romney across the finish line.
It’s like voters look at Romney and remember the first President George Bush saying ‘Read my lips – no new taxes,’ and the second President Bush piling on the spending. and say, We’ve seen this before.
Newt’s got enough warts and foibles to frighten even the most jaded skeptic but one thing he’s not is the Washington Establishment’s candidate – and, beyond that, he’s got one other big edge on Romney.
In the last South Carolina debate Romney was affable and intelligent but he was up against something a lot stronger than brains.
The first two minutes of the debate Newt took apart and filleted John King then when King didn’t have the good sense to hush about ‘Open Marriages’ Newt filleted him again and it was pure entertainment. And I’m guessing a fair number of people are going to vote for Newt out of appreciation for the good time.
Posted in General, National Republicans