Thanks, GOP!
June 15, 2012 - by
Self-righteous Republican legislators seem determined to hasten the day when their days are numbered.
It’s the pitfall that comes with power: You think you’re invincible, so you act like it. You drew your districts to keep you in power, so you think you’ll never lose power.
So you act like the Senate Republicans did this week: Put tolls on every ferry. Do away with the Teaching Fellows. Brush aside the widowed mother with her five-year-old who pled for anti-smoking efforts. Even veteran lobbyists, noting the tears throughout the hearing room, said they were shocked by the callousness shown there.
Inevitably, the voters get tired of it and throw you out.
It may take a while, given redistricting, but the pendulum always swings. The longer it takes, the harder the eventual swing.

Thanks, GOP!
June 15, 2012/

Self-righteous Republican legislators seem determined to hasten the day when their days are numbered.
It’s the pitfall that comes with power: You think you’re invincible, so you act like it. You drew your districts to keep you in power, so you think you’ll never lose power.
So you act like the Senate Republicans did this week: Put tolls on every ferry. Do away with the Teaching Fellows. Brush aside the widowed mother with her five-year-old who pled for anti-smoking efforts. Even veteran lobbyists, noting the tears throughout the hearing room, said they were shocked by the callousness shown there.
Inevitably, the voters get tired of it and throw you out.
It may take a while, given redistricting, but the pendulum always swings. The longer it takes, the harder the eventual swing.