Thank God for Trump.
If the Republicans had nominated John Kasich or Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats would be in trouble.
Every week there’s another damaging story about emails, speaking fees or the Clinton Foundation. Another 14,900 emails coming? Great.
Fortunately, Trump already may have made himself unelectable. Otherwise….
Hillary’s self-inflicted wounds come on top of an irrational level of hatred and hostility directed at her. Hillary Hate is almost as bad as Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Hillary Hate comes in more flavors than Baskin-Robbins. It’s her voice. Her hair. Her clothes. Bill. Bill’s affair with Monica. (Why is that Hillary’s fault?)
A friend complained, “Where would she be if her husband hadn’t been President?” Hell, where would he be without her? (Not President.)
Trump is so bad Hillary should win. But her problems are so bad he still has a chance to win. Scary.
It makes you wonder what new levels of hatred – and depths of discourse – four years of a Hillary Clinton administration will bring. And it should make Democrats pause as they ponder the 2018 and 2020 elections.


Thank God for Trump.
If the Republicans had nominated John Kasich or Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats would be in trouble.
Every week there’s another damaging story about emails, speaking fees or the Clinton Foundation. Another 14,900 emails coming? Great.
Fortunately, Trump already may have made himself unelectable. Otherwise….
Hillary’s self-inflicted wounds come on top of an irrational level of hatred and hostility directed at her. Hillary Hate is almost as bad as Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Hillary Hate comes in more flavors than Baskin-Robbins. It’s her voice. Her hair. Her clothes. Bill. Bill’s affair with Monica. (Why is that Hillary’s fault?)
A friend complained, “Where would she be if her husband hadn’t been President?” Hell, where would he be without her? (Not President.)
Trump is so bad Hillary should win. But her problems are so bad he still has a chance to win. Scary.
It makes you wonder what new levels of hatred – and depths of discourse – four years of a Hillary Clinton administration will bring. And it should make Democrats pause as they ponder the 2018 and 2020 elections.