Testing, Testing, 1,2,3
April 14, 2013 - by
With Republican legislators pushing drug tests for welfare recipients, let’s look at two Southern states’ experiences.
For a year, Georgia has encouraged businesses to alert the agency if a job applicant fails a drug test, so that the state can deny them unemployment benefits. How many people have the tests caught?
Exactly one.
Or maybe we should follow Arkansas’ example.
When Republicans there pushed for drug testing for welfare recipients, Democrats proposed an amendment that ANYONE receiving non-salary benefits from state government should be subject to drug testing as a condition of the transfer (i.e., contractors, companies with tax incentives, etc.). The bill died in committee.
The way this legislatuere is going, drug tests for legislators may be in line.
Posted in Uncategorized

Testing, Testing, 1,2,3
April 14, 2013/

With Republican legislators pushing drug tests for welfare recipients, let’s look at two Southern states’ experiences.
For a year, Georgia has encouraged businesses to alert the agency if a job applicant fails a drug test, so that the state can deny them unemployment benefits. How many people have the tests caught?
Exactly one.
Or maybe we should follow Arkansas’ example.
When Republicans there pushed for drug testing for welfare recipients, Democrats proposed an amendment that ANYONE receiving non-salary benefits from state government should be subject to drug testing as a condition of the transfer (i.e., contractors, companies with tax incentives, etc.). The bill died in committee.
The way this legislatuere is going, drug tests for legislators may be in line.
Posted in Uncategorized