Teachers and Taxes
January 31, 2011 - by
A friend who is knowledgeable about the state budget gave me this factoid:
Extending the “temporary” one-cent sales-tax increase would get North Carolina through the budget crisis without laying off one teacher or teacher assistant.
No cuts in the classroom.
For Governor Perdue, that could be a fight worth fighting.
Yes, there would be cuts in education: assistant principals, guidance counselors, janitors, security officers, etc.
But no classroom cuts.
And there will inevitably be cuts in health care and human services.
But no classroom cuts.
If she proposes that, no doubt, the legislature will reject it. Fine. Let them make the classroom cuts – and take the heat.
As I blogged last week, this could be her best path to reelection.

Teachers and Taxes
January 31, 2011/

A friend who is knowledgeable about the state budget gave me this factoid:
Extending the “temporary” one-cent sales-tax increase would get North Carolina through the budget crisis without laying off one teacher or teacher assistant.
No cuts in the classroom.
For Governor Perdue, that could be a fight worth fighting.
Yes, there would be cuts in education: assistant principals, guidance counselors, janitors, security officers, etc.
But no classroom cuts.
And there will inevitably be cuts in health care and human services.
But no classroom cuts.
If she proposes that, no doubt, the legislature will reject it. Fine. Let them make the classroom cuts – and take the heat.
As I blogged last week, this could be her best path to reelection.