Tax Winner
May 10, 2013 - by
The N&O headline said “Tax plan creates more losers than winners,” but the only real winners and losers from the Senate tax proposal will be Phil Berger and Thom Tillis.
As a wise Raleigh vet observed over breakfast, the plan won’t pass. Too many special interests gored, too many lobbyists working and too much campaign money in play.
So don’t worry about how you’ll do under the plan. (Generally, if you don’t need a tax cut, you’d get one. If you and your family could desperately use some relief, you’d pay more taxes.)
Mainly, the proposal gives Berger a chance to tell Republican primary voters, “I proposed the biggest tax cut in North Carolina history.” And maybe: “Thom Tillis stopped it.”
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans

Tax Winner
May 10, 2013/

The N&O headline said “Tax plan creates more losers than winners,” but the only real winners and losers from the Senate tax proposal will be Phil Berger and Thom Tillis.
As a wise Raleigh vet observed over breakfast, the plan won’t pass. Too many special interests gored, too many lobbyists working and too much campaign money in play.
So don’t worry about how you’ll do under the plan. (Generally, if you don’t need a tax cut, you’d get one. If you and your family could desperately use some relief, you’d pay more taxes.)
Mainly, the proposal gives Berger a chance to tell Republican primary voters, “I proposed the biggest tax cut in North Carolina history.” And maybe: “Thom Tillis stopped it.”
Posted in General, North Carolina - Republicans