Tata’s Surprise
August 17, 2011 - by
When I read this morning about Tony Tata’s school-assignment plan, I recalled what one supporter of the diversity policy told me after meeting Tata earlier this year: “I don’t think this school board knows what they’ve got.”
Tata seemed much more progressive than the board’s Republican majority.
Perhaps the majority was seduced – and diversity supporters fooled – by Tata’s image as a general, a conservative blogger and a Palin-praiser.
If he argues strongly that Wake’s schools need to preserve some diversity, it’s going to be hard for the GOP majority to overturn him.
So maybe the diversity supporters need to focus not only on the school board elections, but on protecting Tata’s flanks – and his back.

Tata’s Surprise
August 17, 2011/

When I read this morning about Tony Tata’s school-assignment plan, I recalled what one supporter of the diversity policy told me after meeting Tata earlier this year: “I don’t think this school board knows what they’ve got.”
Tata seemed much more progressive than the board’s Republican majority.
Perhaps the majority was seduced – and diversity supporters fooled – by Tata’s image as a general, a conservative blogger and a Palin-praiser.
If he argues strongly that Wake’s schools need to preserve some diversity, it’s going to be hard for the GOP majority to overturn him.
So maybe the diversity supporters need to focus not only on the school board elections, but on protecting Tata’s flanks – and his back.