TAPsters Explained
July 8, 2011 - by
A kind reader emailed this week: “I enjoy your blog. What’s a TAPster?”
A TAPster is my version of a Tipster. TAP is for “Talking About Politics.” Plus, I promised to buy a beer for anyone who sends me material that I post, which saves me the trouble of doing my own thinking and writing. (Obviously, such contributions must meet a high standard. Or catch me on a day when my brain isn’t in gear.)
Posted in General

TAPsters Explained
July 8, 2011/

A kind reader emailed this week: “I enjoy your blog. What’s a TAPster?”
A TAPster is my version of a Tipster. TAP is for “Talking About Politics.” Plus, I promised to buy a beer for anyone who sends me material that I post, which saves me the trouble of doing my own thinking and writing. (Obviously, such contributions must meet a high standard. Or catch me on a day when my brain isn’t in gear.)
Posted in General