TAP on WUNC podcast
Not that long ago, Carter and I didn’t know what a podcast was. Now we’re on one.
We talked for about an hour last week with Jeff Tiberii of WUNC Radio. You can listen here.
Jeff asked us about most everything in this year’s elections – from President to the legislature. He tried to keep us on topic, but we got to telling war stories and offering unsolicited advice to campaigns.
A friend texted me that he enjoyed hearing our “wisdom.” I texted back that Wisdom=Experience=The sum of all the mistakes you’ve made.

TAP on WUNC podcast

Not that long ago, Carter and I didn’t know what a podcast was. Now we’re on one.
We talked for about an hour last week with Jeff Tiberii of WUNC Radio. You can listen here.
Jeff asked us about most everything in this year’s elections – from President to the legislature. He tried to keep us on topic, but we got to telling war stories and offering unsolicited advice to campaigns.
A friend texted me that he enjoyed hearing our “wisdom.” I texted back that Wisdom=Experience=The sum of all the mistakes you’ve made.