Tackling Thorp, Baddour
July 28, 2011 - by
I’m impressed by the timing of the TAPster who contributed the item below on UNC football. I posted the blog yesterday, timed to go up this morning. Apparently, its mere presence in cyberspace got action.
Bill Friday told the N&O the firing of Davis ends the story. I doubt it.
Chancellor Holden Thorp and AD Dick Baddour will face a tough grilling at their news conference this morning: What took so long? Why now? Why did you let Butch Davis act last week like he would be coach this year?
Also, is this the doing of the new trustees? Did they force you into this? Or had the old trustees kept you from doing it long ago?
At breakfast this morning, a mixed group of UNC fans and haters agreed that Baddour may be next to go. And that Thorp has hurt himself.
Here’s a measure of how damaging this scandal is: It threatens the career of a gifted academic leader like Thorp, who held the promise of decades of leadership. All because, as Andy Griffith once said, “what it was was football.”

Tackling Thorp, Baddour
July 28, 2011/

I’m impressed by the timing of the TAPster who contributed the item below on UNC football. I posted the blog yesterday, timed to go up this morning. Apparently, its mere presence in cyberspace got action.
Bill Friday told the N&O the firing of Davis ends the story. I doubt it.
Chancellor Holden Thorp and AD Dick Baddour will face a tough grilling at their news conference this morning: What took so long? Why now? Why did you let Butch Davis act last week like he would be coach this year?
Also, is this the doing of the new trustees? Did they force you into this? Or had the old trustees kept you from doing it long ago?
At breakfast this morning, a mixed group of UNC fans and haters agreed that Baddour may be next to go. And that Thorp has hurt himself.
Here’s a measure of how damaging this scandal is: It threatens the career of a gifted academic leader like Thorp, who held the promise of decades of leadership. All because, as Andy Griffith once said, “what it was was football.”