Sweeping Taxes
June 9, 2012 - by
Is Governor Perdue’s sweepstakes tax a smart idea?
At a time when she’s struggling to remain relevant, it put her back in the headlines. But the proposal, like her original budget, is headed straight for the legislative trash can.
It did put the focus back on school cuts – winning ground for Democrats.
But it also put her in the position of seemingly embracing a seamy enterprise. Note how quickly the industry welcomed her proposal. They’re happy to be taxed and regulated; they just want to keep the money rolling in from the poor and gullible.
It also put the focus back on an issue that may not work so well for Democrats.
The N&O headline was “Tax sweepstakes, Perdue says.” That is, it was all about taxes.
Is that smart at a time when people are hurting financially and so obviously concerned about taxes and spending?
In North Carolina and nationally, Democrats think they can minimize the political risk by taxing bad things (billionaires and sweepstakes) and spending the money on good things (schools).
But do voters hear just one word: taxes?
Walter Dalton’s challenge in this campaign is to focus the debate on schools – and the cuts that hurt students. Without putting the focus on taxes.

Sweeping Taxes
June 9, 2012/

Is Governor Perdue’s sweepstakes tax a smart idea?
At a time when she’s struggling to remain relevant, it put her back in the headlines. But the proposal, like her original budget, is headed straight for the legislative trash can.
It did put the focus back on school cuts – winning ground for Democrats.
But it also put her in the position of seemingly embracing a seamy enterprise. Note how quickly the industry welcomed her proposal. They’re happy to be taxed and regulated; they just want to keep the money rolling in from the poor and gullible.
It also put the focus back on an issue that may not work so well for Democrats.
The N&O headline was “Tax sweepstakes, Perdue says.” That is, it was all about taxes.
Is that smart at a time when people are hurting financially and so obviously concerned about taxes and spending?
In North Carolina and nationally, Democrats think they can minimize the political risk by taxing bad things (billionaires and sweepstakes) and spending the money on good things (schools).
But do voters hear just one word: taxes?
Walter Dalton’s challenge in this campaign is to focus the debate on schools – and the cuts that hurt students. Without putting the focus on taxes.