Supremely Corrupt
The nation’s high court has sunk to new lows of corruption.
Clarence Thomas is bought and paid for by billionaire Harlan Crow: gifts, trips and private-school tuition.
The New York Times exposed another scheme that benefits conservative Justices and wealthy special interests.
It’s the Antonin Scalia (wouldn’t you know it) Law School at George Mason University in Virginia. There, justices get paid $30,000 to “co-teach” classes, get treated to teaching trips abroad, like to Iceland, Italy and Britain, and, in Justice Neil Gorsuch’s case, even get help house-hunting.
The justices get fed, feted and paid. The law school gets prestige, donations and influence. The donors and their attorneys get to rub shoulders with justices who might hear their cases.
Talk about friends of the court.
We pay the justices $300,000 a year. They have lifetime jobs. They sit at the pinnacle of the law. They exercise enormous power.
They shouldn’t be on anybody else’s payroll.
Democrats should propose a law that makes justices report all outside income – period.
Or ban them from getting any outside income.
Let Republicans fight it.
Times article:

Supremely Corrupt

The nation’s high court has sunk to new lows of corruption.
Clarence Thomas is bought and paid for by billionaire Harlan Crow: gifts, trips and private-school tuition.
The New York Times exposed another scheme that benefits conservative Justices and wealthy special interests.
It’s the Antonin Scalia (wouldn’t you know it) Law School at George Mason University in Virginia. There, justices get paid $30,000 to “co-teach” classes, get treated to teaching trips abroad, like to Iceland, Italy and Britain, and, in Justice Neil Gorsuch’s case, even get help house-hunting.
The justices get fed, feted and paid. The law school gets prestige, donations and influence. The donors and their attorneys get to rub shoulders with justices who might hear their cases.
Talk about friends of the court.
We pay the justices $300,000 a year. They have lifetime jobs. They sit at the pinnacle of the law. They exercise enormous power.
They shouldn’t be on anybody else’s payroll.
Democrats should propose a law that makes justices report all outside income – period.
Or ban them from getting any outside income.
Let Republicans fight it.
Times article: