Suck It Up, Democrats
March 14, 2012 - by
North Carolina Democrats need to get out of their funk.
You can see why so many of them are down. We got hammered in 2010. The Republicans grabbed control of the legislature, the budget, the political agenda, redistricting and fundraising with efficiency and ruthlessness.
Democrats got down even more when many of their legislators looked at the district lines and took themselves out of the game. Then Governor Perdue decided not to run. Pat McCrory took a big lead in the polls. The mood went down, down, down.
Democrats need to get it over. They need some starch in their spines, some caffeine in their coffee and some fight in their future.
The latest Public Policy Poll shows them down only 10 or 11 in the governor’s race – compared to 15 in January. And McCrory’s lead in based just on name recognition. The primary will close that up.
Then it’s time to do battle. You’ve got good issues, and the Republicans are helping you with that. You need money, good candidates and grit.
As my friend Brad Crone, the Democratic consultant from Raleigh, told the Wake County Democratic Men this week: “Republicans won the legislature in districts that we drew. We can do the same thing.”
Stop moping. Get to work.

Suck It Up, Democrats
March 14, 2012/

North Carolina Democrats need to get out of their funk.
You can see why so many of them are down. We got hammered in 2010. The Republicans grabbed control of the legislature, the budget, the political agenda, redistricting and fundraising with efficiency and ruthlessness.
Democrats got down even more when many of their legislators looked at the district lines and took themselves out of the game. Then Governor Perdue decided not to run. Pat McCrory took a big lead in the polls. The mood went down, down, down.
Democrats need to get it over. They need some starch in their spines, some caffeine in their coffee and some fight in their future.
The latest Public Policy Poll shows them down only 10 or 11 in the governor’s race – compared to 15 in January. And McCrory’s lead in based just on name recognition. The primary will close that up.
Then it’s time to do battle. You’ve got good issues, and the Republicans are helping you with that. You need money, good candidates and grit.
As my friend Brad Crone, the Democratic consultant from Raleigh, told the Wake County Democratic Men this week: “Republicans won the legislature in districts that we drew. We can do the same thing.”
Stop moping. Get to work.