Straight Ticket Voting Up
People used to say, I don’t care which party straightens out our
country as long as one does. But times have changed. The Charlotte Observer
(11-13-06) reports “straight ticket voting” increased 20% in
this election. Of course, it’s possible that every, say, Democratic candidate
in every race was more qualified than his Republican opponent. So voting a
straight ticket meant voting for the best man every time. But is it likely? For
years, the key people in elections were ‘ticket splitters.’ But, unfortunately,
the era of “I vote for the man not the party” is passing. Today, over half the people in elections vote
for the party, regardless of the candidates.

Straight Ticket Voting Up

People used to say, I don’t care which party straightens out our
country as long as one does. But times have changed. The Charlotte Observer
(11-13-06) reports “straight ticket voting” increased 20% in
this election. Of course, it’s possible that every, say, Democratic candidate
in every race was more qualified than his Republican opponent. So voting a
straight ticket meant voting for the best man every time. But is it likely? For
years, the key people in elections were ‘ticket splitters.’ But, unfortunately,
the era of “I vote for the man not the party” is passing. Today, over half the people in elections vote
for the party, regardless of the candidates.