Storm Signals
August 28, 2012 - by
Isaac busted up the Republican convention schedule. It’s competing for TV coverage. Therein lies another danger to the GOP: Is it good to bash government when a lot of people may need government help?
One story said the federal government spent $10 billion building levees to protect New Orleans. Did Governor Bobby Jindal reject that “stimulus”?
How fast will those Southern Republican governors ask Washington for help? How quick will they blame Washington when their constituents start griping?
What would the Ron Paul/Ayn Rand/anti-government crowd say to those people? “You’re on your own”? “Pick yourself up by your soggy bootstraps”? “Rebuild that yourself”?
How will Romney handle the messaging: “We need government to let us alone”? Or, “we need government to help us”

Storm Signals
August 28, 2012/

Isaac busted up the Republican convention schedule. It’s competing for TV coverage. Therein lies another danger to the GOP: Is it good to bash government when a lot of people may need government help?
One story said the federal government spent $10 billion building levees to protect New Orleans. Did Governor Bobby Jindal reject that “stimulus”?
How fast will those Southern Republican governors ask Washington for help? How quick will they blame Washington when their constituents start griping?
What would the Ron Paul/Ayn Rand/anti-government crowd say to those people? “You’re on your own”? “Pick yourself up by your soggy bootstraps”? “Rebuild that yourself”?
How will Romney handle the messaging: “We need government to let us alone”? Or, “we need government to help us”