Stooping Low
July 20, 2010 - by
Everyday the bru-ha-ha between our local Progressives and the Italian transplants on the School Board gets more entertaining – the whole thing’s turned into a microcosm of modern life with far-left Liberals, Democrats, Progressives, Italians, Southerners, far-right Republicans, NAACP Reverends, a Duke Professor and a liberal Baptist Church all going at one another tooth and nail and now the caldron is complete – the teenagers have joined the fray.
By forming their own coalition – H.E.A.T – or Hero’s Emerging Amongst Teenagers to march arm-in-arm with the Progressives and the NAACP at their demonstration today.
The young people held their first meeting the other night at the local anti-Italian headquarters (at Pullen Park Baptist Church) and without wasting a second ripped into the Italians saying the new School Board leaders are out to “destroy public education.”
A young lady explained how grateful she is to the old School Board for busing her “forty minutes to Apex for diversity reasons when she was younger” and another student – who clearly has a future in politics – told the crowd the students were “fighting the oppressors of Wake County;” the next morning it all landed in the News and Observer, bringing back fond memories of being seventeen and fighting oppression which in the days of my youth (circa 1970) meant fighting the local draft board.
Leaving aside stopping for a moment to contemplate the possible results of letting sixteen year olds set school policy, I have to say this all looks helpful to the Italians – because even if they are Yankees they haven’t dragged young people into this fight as schills to get favorable publicity in the newspaper – which our good southern ‘Progressives” and NAACP Reverends have done without a qualm.
This is politics and it’s the modern age and it’s for sure anything goes but using sixteen year olds to deliver rhetorical bombs in the press does seem stooping a little low.

Stooping Low
July 20, 2010/

Everyday the bru-ha-ha between our local Progressives and the Italian transplants on the School Board gets more entertaining – the whole thing’s turned into a microcosm of modern life with far-left Liberals, Democrats, Progressives, Italians, Southerners, far-right Republicans, NAACP Reverends, a Duke Professor and a liberal Baptist Church all going at one another tooth and nail and now the caldron is complete – the teenagers have joined the fray.
By forming their own coalition – H.E.A.T – or Hero’s Emerging Amongst Teenagers to march arm-in-arm with the Progressives and the NAACP at their demonstration today.
The young people held their first meeting the other night at the local anti-Italian headquarters (at Pullen Park Baptist Church) and without wasting a second ripped into the Italians saying the new School Board leaders are out to “destroy public education.”
A young lady explained how grateful she is to the old School Board for busing her “forty minutes to Apex for diversity reasons when she was younger” and another student – who clearly has a future in politics – told the crowd the students were “fighting the oppressors of Wake County;” the next morning it all landed in the News and Observer, bringing back fond memories of being seventeen and fighting oppression which in the days of my youth (circa 1970) meant fighting the local draft board.
Leaving aside stopping for a moment to contemplate the possible results of letting sixteen year olds set school policy, I have to say this all looks helpful to the Italians – because even if they are Yankees they haven’t dragged young people into this fight as schills to get favorable publicity in the newspaper – which our good southern ‘Progressives” and NAACP Reverends have done without a qualm.
This is politics and it’s the modern age and it’s for sure anything goes but using sixteen year olds to deliver rhetorical bombs in the press does seem stooping a little low.