Still Lost in the Desert
Friday, January 20, was the 25th anniversary of a dramatic example of events in the Middle East driving American politics: 25 years ago, Ronald Reagan was sworn in as President and Iran released the hostages.
Same day, 2006, our news is dominated by Osama bin Laden’s latest threat against the U.S.
Last time we heard from Osama was just before the 2004 election. That didn’t help John Kerry at all.
What happens next – or doesn’t happen – could have more to do with the 2006 election than Jack Abramoff, the Medicare drug debacle and anything else.
If Osama makes good on his threat – and America, God forbid, gets hit again – one of two things will happen:
• Americans will rally around the President – again.
• Or, Americans will conclude that Bush really did go after the wrong enemy when he invaded Iraq instead of finishing off Osama.
Either way, this year’s elections would suddenly become about fighting terrorists rather than lobbyists.

Still Lost in the Desert

Friday, January 20, was the 25th anniversary of a dramatic example of events in the Middle East driving American politics: 25 years ago, Ronald Reagan was sworn in as President and Iran released the hostages.
Same day, 2006, our news is dominated by Osama bin Laden’s latest threat against the U.S.
Last time we heard from Osama was just before the 2004 election. That didn’t help John Kerry at all.
What happens next – or doesn’t happen – could have more to do with the 2006 election than Jack Abramoff, the Medicare drug debacle and anything else.
If Osama makes good on his threat – and America, God forbid, gets hit again – one of two things will happen:
• Americans will rally around the President – again.
• Or, Americans will conclude that Bush really did go after the wrong enemy when he invaded Iraq instead of finishing off Osama.
Either way, this year’s elections would suddenly become about fighting terrorists rather than lobbyists.