Stand Your Ground, Rep. Akin
August 22, 2012 - by
Rep. Todd Akin shouldn’t pull out (pardon the expression) of the Missouri Senate race.
First of all, he is the Democratic Party’s best bet to keep control of the United States Senate. So stand up to all those weaklings in the GOP, Todd! Stand up for what you believe!
Second, Akin may have gotten his biology wrong. But his philosophy is perfectly consistent with what many Republicans believe. The Republican platform committee just yesterday adopted a plank that makes no exceptions to allow abortion in cases of rape or incest victims.
The plank calls for a human life amendment to the Constitution and says “the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed.”
Mitt Romney takes pains to say he doesn’t go that far. But nor does he go so far as to exercise any moral leadership to oppose the plank.
Rep. Akin represents an important part of the Republican coalition: people who believe that women who are rape victims and get pregnant should be forced to bear the child.
Let’s have a good old American debate about that proposition.

Stand Your Ground, Rep. Akin
August 22, 2012/

Rep. Todd Akin shouldn’t pull out (pardon the expression) of the Missouri Senate race.
First of all, he is the Democratic Party’s best bet to keep control of the United States Senate. So stand up to all those weaklings in the GOP, Todd! Stand up for what you believe!
Second, Akin may have gotten his biology wrong. But his philosophy is perfectly consistent with what many Republicans believe. The Republican platform committee just yesterday adopted a plank that makes no exceptions to allow abortion in cases of rape or incest victims.
The plank calls for a human life amendment to the Constitution and says “the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed.”
Mitt Romney takes pains to say he doesn’t go that far. But nor does he go so far as to exercise any moral leadership to oppose the plank.
Rep. Akin represents an important part of the Republican coalition: people who believe that women who are rape victims and get pregnant should be forced to bear the child.
Let’s have a good old American debate about that proposition.