Spinning Tales

Trump growled Zelensky started the Ukraine war. John Bolton said Trump was wrong. Angry, my friend Ken told me, ‘Ukraine doesn’t matter to us.’

Ken knew Zelensky hadn’t started the war. But Trump spinning a tale didn’t matter to him.

After the Soviet Union collapsed, for 30 years America was the world’s dominant power. No one could touch us. Those days are gone. China, Russia, Iran, now have the power to hurt us.

John Bolton looks at the world that way.

But not Trump. Instead, he’s out to make a deal with Putin. But ask yourself: What would’ve happened in Munich in 1938 if Neville Chamberlain said to Hitler: ‘Here’s the deal: You get part of Czechoslovakia and we get half their mineral resources’ – would that have stopped World War II? Is Trump making the same mistake Chamberlain made at Munich?

Back then, here at home, ‘isolationists’ roared: Czechoslovakia doesn’t matter to us. Poland doesn’t matter to us. Hitler’s not a threat to us – until Hitler declared war on us and pure hell broke loose.

Devout, Ken prays, goes to church, worships one God, reads scriptures – so prodding him I asked if he agreed with the theologian who said ‘God is Truth’ and that being blind to Truth leads us away from God.

That’s the heart of what troubles me about Trump: Spinning tales – like saying Zelensky started the Ukraine war – sows blindness.


Telling stories, in his memoir Carter Wrenn follows The Trail of the Serpent twisting and turning through politics from Reagan to Trump. Order his book from Amazon.

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Carter Wrenn




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Spinning Tales


Trump growled Zelensky started the Ukraine war. John Bolton said Trump was wrong. Angry, my friend Ken told me, ‘Ukraine doesn’t matter to us.’

Ken knew Zelensky hadn’t started the war. But Trump spinning a tale didn’t matter to him.

After the Soviet Union collapsed, for 30 years America was the world’s dominant power. No one could touch us. Those days are gone. China, Russia, Iran, now have the power to hurt us.

John Bolton looks at the world that way.

But not Trump. Instead, he’s out to make a deal with Putin. But ask yourself: What would’ve happened in Munich in 1938 if Neville Chamberlain said to Hitler: ‘Here’s the deal: You get part of Czechoslovakia and we get half their mineral resources’ – would that have stopped World War II? Is Trump making the same mistake Chamberlain made at Munich?

Back then, here at home, ‘isolationists’ roared: Czechoslovakia doesn’t matter to us. Poland doesn’t matter to us. Hitler’s not a threat to us – until Hitler declared war on us and pure hell broke loose.

Devout, Ken prays, goes to church, worships one God, reads scriptures – so prodding him I asked if he agreed with the theologian who said ‘God is Truth’ and that being blind to Truth leads us away from God.

That’s the heart of what troubles me about Trump: Spinning tales – like saying Zelensky started the Ukraine war – sows blindness.


Telling stories, in his memoir Carter Wrenn follows The Trail of the Serpent twisting and turning through politics from Reagan to Trump. Order his book from Amazon.

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Carter Wrenn

