October 25, 2010 - by
The economy’s in tatters, fifteen million people are out of work, Obama’s stimulus plan’s a bust and in Raleigh state government’s got a $3 billion hole in the budget – but, not to worry, the Governor’s got a plan. She’s ready to make the tough choices. And she’s already announced the first step: SHE’S GOING TO GET PRACTICAL.
How? By doing away with SILLY rules. It’s just the kind of tough leadership we need in a crisis.
And, in case you think this is just another political P.R. stunt: Don’t. The Governor’s dead serious: She’s set up a HOTLINE and a WEBSITE to battle SILLY rules.
And she’s made an adamant statement, saying, “If you hate it, and it doesn’t work in your mind, let us review it, and if there is no purpose, we’ll get rid of it or fix it…
Did she just say if a rule has no purpose…she’ll fix it.?
So, there’s no need to worry anymore. About the economy. Or government spending. Or taxes. Happy days are here again. Governor Perdue’s abolishing SILLY rules. It’s a profile in courage.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats

October 25, 2010/

The economy’s in tatters, fifteen million people are out of work, Obama’s stimulus plan’s a bust and in Raleigh state government’s got a $3 billion hole in the budget – but, not to worry, the Governor’s got a plan. She’s ready to make the tough choices. And she’s already announced the first step: SHE’S GOING TO GET PRACTICAL.
How? By doing away with SILLY rules. It’s just the kind of tough leadership we need in a crisis.
And, in case you think this is just another political P.R. stunt: Don’t. The Governor’s dead serious: She’s set up a HOTLINE and a WEBSITE to battle SILLY rules.
And she’s made an adamant statement, saying, “If you hate it, and it doesn’t work in your mind, let us review it, and if there is no purpose, we’ll get rid of it or fix it…
Did she just say if a rule has no purpose…she’ll fix it.?
So, there’s no need to worry anymore. About the economy. Or government spending. Or taxes. Happy days are here again. Governor Perdue’s abolishing SILLY rules. It’s a profile in courage.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats