Shut Up

John Edwards hasn’t asked for my advice in 10 years. If he did now, I’d tell him: Keep your mouth shut.
The more the players in this tragedy/drama/farce talk, the worse it gets.
First came Edwards’ admission – through a spokesman – of paternity. Then came the dishing in Game Change. Then came Andrew Young’s tawdry tale, repeated endlessly on talk shows and interviews. Next, a movie?
Now comes Rielle Hunter revealing all – in words and pictures. (At least she had the good taste to go with GQ instead of Playboy.)
Next, apparently, Elizabeth Edwards fires back in People.
The more you hear from those three, the more you sympathize with John Edwards.
Staying mute goes against the grain of a man who made millions talking to juries, then almost talked himself into the White House before screwing himself out of it.
But take my word for it, John: Just shut up.
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Gary Pearce



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Shut Up

John Edwards hasn’t asked for my advice in 10 years. If he did now, I’d tell him: Keep your mouth shut.
The more the players in this tragedy/drama/farce talk, the worse it gets.
First came Edwards’ admission – through a spokesman – of paternity. Then came the dishing in Game Change. Then came Andrew Young’s tawdry tale, repeated endlessly on talk shows and interviews. Next, a movie?
Now comes Rielle Hunter revealing all – in words and pictures. (At least she had the good taste to go with GQ instead of Playboy.)
Next, apparently, Elizabeth Edwards fires back in People.
The more you hear from those three, the more you sympathize with John Edwards.
Staying mute goes against the grain of a man who made millions talking to juries, then almost talked himself into the White House before screwing himself out of it.
But take my word for it, John: Just shut up.
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Gary Pearce

