Should Bob Get Out?
March 27, 2012 - by
The TAPster who wrote the blog below reflects what several Democrats have said privately about Bob Etheridge. If Bob’s campaign or a supporter will respond, I’ll post it.
“For the sake of Democrats everywhere in North Carolina, Bobby Etheridge must step aside.
“He needs to leave the governor’s race to someone who has what good ole Bobby doesn’t: a chance to win statewide.
“Etheridge sees and believes positive poll numbers for his primary candidacy, and has been trapped into dreaming that he can extend his political career. But polls lie, pollsters lie and those who are polled lie.
“He might win the primary, and he would make a good governor. He was a good legislator, school superintendent and Member of Congress who has done much for the state, and can do more in a non-elected role.
“But he can’t win in November. All the crap that contributed to his Congressional reelection defeat will contribute to his defeat in the fall.
“Etheridge’s strongest primary opponent is Walter Dalton, who has too much class to denigrate Etheridge publicly or run negative ads about his fellow Democrat. The third candidate is a trial lawyer with more money than scruples and good sense, and who will go nasty quickly to force a runoff. With Etheridge out of the race and working for Dalton, the chance of a suicidal runoff is eliminated.
“Etheridge should never have entered the race, and now needs to get out.”
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats

Should Bob Get Out?
March 27, 2012/

The TAPster who wrote the blog below reflects what several Democrats have said privately about Bob Etheridge. If Bob’s campaign or a supporter will respond, I’ll post it.
“For the sake of Democrats everywhere in North Carolina, Bobby Etheridge must step aside.
“He needs to leave the governor’s race to someone who has what good ole Bobby doesn’t: a chance to win statewide.
“Etheridge sees and believes positive poll numbers for his primary candidacy, and has been trapped into dreaming that he can extend his political career. But polls lie, pollsters lie and those who are polled lie.
“He might win the primary, and he would make a good governor. He was a good legislator, school superintendent and Member of Congress who has done much for the state, and can do more in a non-elected role.
“But he can’t win in November. All the crap that contributed to his Congressional reelection defeat will contribute to his defeat in the fall.
“Etheridge’s strongest primary opponent is Walter Dalton, who has too much class to denigrate Etheridge publicly or run negative ads about his fellow Democrat. The third candidate is a trial lawyer with more money than scruples and good sense, and who will go nasty quickly to force a runoff. With Etheridge out of the race and working for Dalton, the chance of a suicidal runoff is eliminated.
“Etheridge should never have entered the race, and now needs to get out.”
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats