Shoddy Construction
December 15, 2010 - by
You wouldn’t want the people who put together the new building code to build your house.
The Building Code Council Tuesday adopted rules to make new commercial and residential buildings more energy-efficient. But they were afraid the changes would increase the cost of homes when the home-buying market is in a depression. So they compromised on – wait for it, yes – safety requirements!
The accounts by Mark Binker of the Greensboro News & Record and David Bracken in the N&O made it all look like a comedy of errors.
Governor Perdue seemed anxious to distance herself from the “offsets” presented in her name: “The fact of the matter is these people are appointed to do a job,” she said of the council. “It’s up to them to see that safety isn’t eroded.”
But one of her appointees, the director of emergency services for Guilford County said of the Governor, “I dare say she doesn’t know what her name has been attached to.”
Some in the business community say the Governor was too eager to placate environmentalists – even at the risk of raising house prices and, now, looking wobbly.

Shoddy Construction
December 15, 2010/

You wouldn’t want the people who put together the new building code to build your house.
The Building Code Council Tuesday adopted rules to make new commercial and residential buildings more energy-efficient. But they were afraid the changes would increase the cost of homes when the home-buying market is in a depression. So they compromised on – wait for it, yes – safety requirements!
The accounts by Mark Binker of the Greensboro News & Record and David Bracken in the N&O made it all look like a comedy of errors.
Governor Perdue seemed anxious to distance herself from the “offsets” presented in her name: “The fact of the matter is these people are appointed to do a job,” she said of the council. “It’s up to them to see that safety isn’t eroded.”
But one of her appointees, the director of emergency services for Guilford County said of the Governor, “I dare say she doesn’t know what her name has been attached to.”
Some in the business community say the Governor was too eager to placate environmentalists – even at the risk of raising house prices and, now, looking wobbly.