Shallow Strikes, Again

Bev Perdue says it’s terrible, shady, and awful: The Republican Party, Washington branch, is attacking her in ads. President Bush, himself, she says, has taken time off from dealing with Georgia and Iraq to orchestrate the ads – just to be sure she doesn’t get elected (Bev Perdue Committee email, 8/28/08).

But there’s one problem: Perdue’s got the Democratic Party, Washington branch, running around running ads pounding Pat McCrory.

Now, what’s fascinating is it never occurred to Bev pulling her hair and screaming about McCrory’s ads – was a tad bit hypocritical.

She’s giving John Edwards a run for his money. Shallow strikes, again.

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Carter Wrenn



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Shallow Strikes, Again

Bev Perdue says it’s terrible, shady, and awful: The Republican Party, Washington branch, is attacking her in ads. President Bush, himself, she says, has taken time off from dealing with Georgia and Iraq to orchestrate the ads – just to be sure she doesn’t get elected (Bev Perdue Committee email, 8/28/08).

But there’s one problem: Perdue’s got the Democratic Party, Washington branch, running around running ads pounding Pat McCrory.

Now, what’s fascinating is it never occurred to Bev pulling her hair and screaming about McCrory’s ads – was a tad bit hypocritical.

She’s giving John Edwards a run for his money. Shallow strikes, again.

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Carter Wrenn

