Scratching Their Heads
September 20, 2011 - by
For a decade Raleigh’s Mayor’s elections have been tales of Democrats trouncing Republicans which isn’t surprising as Democrats outnumber Republicans two to one but this year there’s an unheard of twist in the Mayor’s race: No Democratic candidate. Instead there are two Republicans and an Independent.
Democratic Mayor Charles Meeker – who’s retiring – endorsed the Independent, Nancy McFarlane.
Billie Redmond, a respected businesswoman, was the first Republican to announce.
Then Dr. Randall Williams charged into the race supported by former Republican Mayor’s Tom Fetzer and Paul Coble then ran afoul of the Internet, telling the News and Observer in an interview that he is “a fiscal conservative who will keep taxes low” which provoked a blog commentator to post a single link (to an earlier News and Observer article) on the newspaper’s website that said in 2008 Dr. Williams supported the least fiscally conservative fellow in earth – Barack Obama.
The Wake County Republican Party promptly endorsed Redmond so now we’ve got current Democratic Mayor Charlie Meeker who for years whipped every Republican in sight supporting an Independent and former Mayor conservative stalwarts Tom Fetzer and Paul Coble straining to elect an Obama supporter and I reckon next peace may break out on the School Board.

Scratching Their Heads
September 20, 2011/

For a decade Raleigh’s Mayor’s elections have been tales of Democrats trouncing Republicans which isn’t surprising as Democrats outnumber Republicans two to one but this year there’s an unheard of twist in the Mayor’s race: No Democratic candidate. Instead there are two Republicans and an Independent.
Democratic Mayor Charles Meeker – who’s retiring – endorsed the Independent, Nancy McFarlane.
Billie Redmond, a respected businesswoman, was the first Republican to announce.
Then Dr. Randall Williams charged into the race supported by former Republican Mayor’s Tom Fetzer and Paul Coble then ran afoul of the Internet, telling the News and Observer in an interview that he is “a fiscal conservative who will keep taxes low” which provoked a blog commentator to post a single link (to an earlier News and Observer article) on the newspaper’s website that said in 2008 Dr. Williams supported the least fiscally conservative fellow in earth – Barack Obama.
The Wake County Republican Party promptly endorsed Redmond so now we’ve got current Democratic Mayor Charlie Meeker who for years whipped every Republican in sight supporting an Independent and former Mayor conservative stalwarts Tom Fetzer and Paul Coble straining to elect an Obama supporter and I reckon next peace may break out on the School Board.