School Bond Prospects No Better
The Wake County school bonds are winning the elites but losing the voters.
Supporters have organized an impressive list of business backers. But that has not impressed voters.
No poll has shown more than 45 percent of Wake voters supporting the bonds. And the bonds will not pick up undecided voters. That means 45 percent is the ceiling for bond support.
A 10-point loss will be disheartening. A 20-point loss, devastating.
But that is what the county faces.
People are mad for various reasons: mandatory year-round, transportation scandals, reassignment. Then throw in the usual antitax crowd.
It pains me to say this. I have two children in school – one at Ligon and one at Enloe. I’m constantly amazed at the quality of teachers my children have.
They – the students and the teachers – deserve better.
School officials will be tempted to blame the voters if the bonds lose. Instead, they need to take a hard look at their own leaders.

School Bond Prospects No Better

The Wake County school bonds are winning the elites but losing the voters.
Supporters have organized an impressive list of business backers. But that has not impressed voters.
No poll has shown more than 45 percent of Wake voters supporting the bonds. And the bonds will not pick up undecided voters. That means 45 percent is the ceiling for bond support.
A 10-point loss will be disheartening. A 20-point loss, devastating.
But that is what the county faces.
People are mad for various reasons: mandatory year-round, transportation scandals, reassignment. Then throw in the usual antitax crowd.
It pains me to say this. I have two children in school – one at Ligon and one at Enloe. I’m constantly amazed at the quality of teachers my children have.
They – the students and the teachers – deserve better.
School officials will be tempted to blame the voters if the bonds lose. Instead, they need to take a hard look at their own leaders.