School Board Not Boring
October 22, 2012 - by
All this time we thought firing the Wake schools superintendent was a juicy story. Who knew?
As the N&O’s Keung Hui wrote on his blog yesterday: “It’s not every day that one elected official accuses another of potentially committing a felony and then both tell police about their relationship.”
Especially when both are running for higher office.
Analyst John Davis sent an email out this morning proclaiming: “Extramarital Affair between NC GOP Candidates for State Auditor and State House, Debra Goldman and Chris Malone, both on Wake County School Board, Doom Candidacies; Democrats Likely Winners.”
This story has it all, including reports of broken marriages, hanky-panky, financial troubles, allegations against political opponents and tensions that led to a split in the Republican majority over the school assignment plan.
Let’s turn this into a plus, Wake County. Make a TV reality show: “Desperate School Board Members.” Sell it to a network. Use the ad revenue to build more schools and pay more teachers.

School Board Not Boring
October 22, 2012/

All this time we thought firing the Wake schools superintendent was a juicy story. Who knew?
As the N&O’s Keung Hui wrote on his blog yesterday: “It’s not every day that one elected official accuses another of potentially committing a felony and then both tell police about their relationship.”
Especially when both are running for higher office.
Analyst John Davis sent an email out this morning proclaiming: “Extramarital Affair between NC GOP Candidates for State Auditor and State House, Debra Goldman and Chris Malone, both on Wake County School Board, Doom Candidacies; Democrats Likely Winners.”
This story has it all, including reports of broken marriages, hanky-panky, financial troubles, allegations against political opponents and tensions that led to a split in the Republican majority over the school assignment plan.
Let’s turn this into a plus, Wake County. Make a TV reality show: “Desperate School Board Members.” Sell it to a network. Use the ad revenue to build more schools and pay more teachers.