Ryan’s Express
April 14, 2011 - by
Has it occurred to anybody in the Republican Party that U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan is driving them off a cliff?
Think back one year ago. Republicans could smell victory in November. Why? Because President Obama and the Democratic Congress had given them the perfect punching bag: sweeping, comprehensive health care reform.
Best of all, the Republicans could accuse Democrats of cutting Medicare. That’s like Willie Nelson accusing somebody of smoking pot.
The furor culminated in the memorable spectacle of greedy geezers at Tea Party rallies demanding that the government “keep its hands off my Medicare.”
Now, Ryan is proposing not to cut Medicare, not to amend Medicare, not to reform Medicare – but to abolish Medicare. And Medicaid, too, while you’re at it.
This is a dream come true for Democrats. At their lowest point, Ryan has thrown them a lifeline!

Ryan’s Express
April 14, 2011/

Has it occurred to anybody in the Republican Party that U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan is driving them off a cliff?
Think back one year ago. Republicans could smell victory in November. Why? Because President Obama and the Democratic Congress had given them the perfect punching bag: sweeping, comprehensive health care reform.
Best of all, the Republicans could accuse Democrats of cutting Medicare. That’s like Willie Nelson accusing somebody of smoking pot.
The furor culminated in the memorable spectacle of greedy geezers at Tea Party rallies demanding that the government “keep its hands off my Medicare.”
Now, Ryan is proposing not to cut Medicare, not to amend Medicare, not to reform Medicare – but to abolish Medicare. And Medicaid, too, while you’re at it.
This is a dream come true for Democrats. At their lowest point, Ryan has thrown them a lifeline!