Running Hard
August 12, 2010 - by
If you think running for office is easy, you should have seen Rep. Grier Martin yesterday.
The heat index on my street in Raleigh ’s North Ridge was somewhere north of 100 degrees. And here came Grier, drenched with sweat through his knit shirt, his khaki slacks and shoes.
He was going door to door, talking to voters or leaving a note and campaign literature if no one was home.
He was probably glad to see a friendly Democratic face, since this is one of the most Republican neighborhoods around. (What am I doing here?)
We invited him in for some cold water, a towel and the air-conditioning. He said this was just one more day of canvassing his entire district.
I might have wondered about a normal person handling the heat, but I know Grier (like his father, D.G.) is a compulsive exerciser – and fitter than 98 percent of the population.
“This probably means you won’t have to run today,” I said.
Oh no. He was planning to do his usual five miles after he got home – and rested a bit.
For that alone he deserves to win.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats

Running Hard
August 12, 2010/

If you think running for office is easy, you should have seen Rep. Grier Martin yesterday.
The heat index on my street in Raleigh ’s North Ridge was somewhere north of 100 degrees. And here came Grier, drenched with sweat through his knit shirt, his khaki slacks and shoes.
He was going door to door, talking to voters or leaving a note and campaign literature if no one was home.
He was probably glad to see a friendly Democratic face, since this is one of the most Republican neighborhoods around. (What am I doing here?)
We invited him in for some cold water, a towel and the air-conditioning. He said this was just one more day of canvassing his entire district.
I might have wondered about a normal person handling the heat, but I know Grier (like his father, D.G.) is a compulsive exerciser – and fitter than 98 percent of the population.
“This probably means you won’t have to run today,” I said.
Oh no. He was planning to do his usual five miles after he got home – and rested a bit.
For that alone he deserves to win.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats