Rules of the Road
July 8, 2010 - by
Governor Perdue’s Highway Patrol news conference was better than it read. You can watch the whole thing here.
But she better hope her tough talk solves the Patrol’s problems. Because it obviously didn’t solve her media – and political – problems.
It’s never good when the Page 1 photos are of you, hands on hips, looking angry and of your press person cutting off questions.
The end wasn’t as abrupt as it seemed. By my count, Glover had answered five questions when Chrissy Pearson put her hand over the mike.
But Perdue and Colonel Glover made the classic mistake of blaming the media for reporting only the bad and not the good.
“It gets magnified in the media,” Glover said of the Patrol’s scandals.
Maybe BP should try that: “If the media didn’t harp on this spill, people wouldn’t be upset about it.”
The Governor also made one of those statements that in effect dared the media to prove her wrong: “I’ve never intervened in promotions.”
Her fundamental problem is that the media is suspicious of her friendship with Glover.
She told the press conference that, according to her staff, there were “audible gasps. People were stunned” when she laid down the law to the Patrol members.
But the media didn’t seem so impressed. So she and Glover are going to stay under the radar gun.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats

Rules of the Road
July 8, 2010/

Governor Perdue’s Highway Patrol news conference was better than it read. You can watch the whole thing here.
But she better hope her tough talk solves the Patrol’s problems. Because it obviously didn’t solve her media – and political – problems.
It’s never good when the Page 1 photos are of you, hands on hips, looking angry and of your press person cutting off questions.
The end wasn’t as abrupt as it seemed. By my count, Glover had answered five questions when Chrissy Pearson put her hand over the mike.
But Perdue and Colonel Glover made the classic mistake of blaming the media for reporting only the bad and not the good.
“It gets magnified in the media,” Glover said of the Patrol’s scandals.
Maybe BP should try that: “If the media didn’t harp on this spill, people wouldn’t be upset about it.”
The Governor also made one of those statements that in effect dared the media to prove her wrong: “I’ve never intervened in promotions.”
Her fundamental problem is that the media is suspicious of her friendship with Glover.
She told the press conference that, according to her staff, there were “audible gasps. People were stunned” when she laid down the law to the Patrol members.
But the media didn’t seem so impressed. So she and Glover are going to stay under the radar gun.
Posted in General, North Carolina - Democrats