Rough Waters for Hillary
The Main Media just finished anointing Hillary as the front-runner. Now they’re attacking her for running as the front-runner.
I predicted it in a blog last week, where I compared reporters to birds flitting from wire to wire.
So now Hillary is excoriated for debate temporizing, cautious positioning and even her way of laughing.
The Obama and Edwards campaigns smell blood.
But it’s going to take money and message to topple her. Edwards may have the right voice. And Obama has the money. But neither has both.
They’re now competing in the Anybody-but-Hillary semifinal.
And we’ll see if Team Hillary weathers this storm.
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Rough Waters for Hillary

The Main Media just finished anointing Hillary as the front-runner. Now they’re attacking her for running as the front-runner.
I predicted it in a blog last week, where I compared reporters to birds flitting from wire to wire.
So now Hillary is excoriated for debate temporizing, cautious positioning and even her way of laughing.
The Obama and Edwards campaigns smell blood.
But it’s going to take money and message to topple her. Edwards may have the right voice. And Obama has the money. But neither has both.
They’re now competing in the Anybody-but-Hillary semifinal.
And we’ll see if Team Hillary weathers this storm.
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