Romney’s Risk
October 6, 2012 - by
A country lawyer – and conservative Democrat – says Mitt Romney may have made a big mistake in the first debate, despite the quick boost he got.
“Whatever you say in your opening argument, you’d better back it up when you present your case,” the lawyer said.
To wit: Did Romney lie when he said he wouldn’t cut taxes 20 percent?
Obama’s campaign already has an ad up saying, yes, he lied. If that ad works – and Obama exploits the opening – Romney’s strong showing Wednesday night could end up hurting him.
Voters, like juries, don’t like being misled.

Romney’s Risk
October 6, 2012/

A country lawyer – and conservative Democrat – says Mitt Romney may have made a big mistake in the first debate, despite the quick boost he got.
“Whatever you say in your opening argument, you’d better back it up when you present your case,” the lawyer said.
To wit: Did Romney lie when he said he wouldn’t cut taxes 20 percent?
Obama’s campaign already has an ad up saying, yes, he lied. If that ad works – and Obama exploits the opening – Romney’s strong showing Wednesday night could end up hurting him.
Voters, like juries, don’t like being misled.