Risky Business for Raleigh Progressives
This was the headline in The News & Observer Monday:
“Taxes, fees on the rise in Triangle.”
This is why progressive Democrats need to look before they leap.
The story added:
This is where polls can fool you. A quick-and-dirty poll could lead you to think
But I saw something different in polls last year. Almost all the intensity of feeling was AGAINST taxes and spending.
If the City Council is not careful this year, it will gift-wrap a strategy for a less-progressive candidate next year. His message would be:
“School bonds. School taxes. Higher water fees. Higher garbage fees. Hundreds of millions of dollars downtown for a civic center, parking deck and hotel subsidy. A billion dollars for a light rail boondoggle. Had enough?
“It’s time somebody stood up to the big spenders in City Hall. Elect me and I’ll do it.”
It could work.

Risky Business for Raleigh Progressives

This was the headline in The News & Observer Monday:
“Taxes, fees on the rise in Triangle.”
This is why progressive Democrats need to look before they leap.
The story added:
This is where polls can fool you. A quick-and-dirty poll could lead you to think
But I saw something different in polls last year. Almost all the intensity of feeling was AGAINST taxes and spending.
If the City Council is not careful this year, it will gift-wrap a strategy for a less-progressive candidate next year. His message would be:
“School bonds. School taxes. Higher water fees. Higher garbage fees. Hundreds of millions of dollars downtown for a civic center, parking deck and hotel subsidy. A billion dollars for a light rail boondoggle. Had enough?
“It’s time somebody stood up to the big spenders in City Hall. Elect me and I’ll do it.”
It could work.