Richard Moore’s (Unofficial) Campaign Kickoff
I read on the Blue NC blog that “State Treasurer (and likely gubernatorial candidate) Richard Moore is calling for a $1 increase in North Carolina’s minimum wage.”
Click here to read the article:
The website post says Moore:
“made the call at a meeting of the North Carolina Citizens for Business and Industry, a pro-business lobbying group that styles itself the state chamber of commerce. What’s the word for that: chutzpah? meshuggener? Or is Moore’s read of the land that NC businesses are ready to support a modest minimum wage increase? Stay tuned.”
Here’s my word(s) for it: Moore’s opening move of the 2008 campaign.
And it’s a two-step.
The candidates will soon be reporting how much campaign money they raised in 2005. That’s in effect the first poll of the race.
Rumor is that Moore could report 2-3 times as much as Beverly Perdue. A rumor that comes from a big giver who is wondering who to support and has talked to people in both campaigns.
If Moore pulls that off, the political chattering class will sit up, take notice and chat up Moore.
So now he couples big money with a populist appeal. I haven’t seen any recent polls, but my guess is that a higher minimum wage is strongly supported by something like 95 percent of Democratic primary voters.
Big money and a big issue. They add up to a pretty shrewd move by Moore.

Richard Moore’s (Unofficial) Campaign Kickoff

I read on the Blue NC blog that “State Treasurer (and likely gubernatorial candidate) Richard Moore is calling for a $1 increase in North Carolina’s minimum wage.”
Click here to read the article:
The website post says Moore:
“made the call at a meeting of the North Carolina Citizens for Business and Industry, a pro-business lobbying group that styles itself the state chamber of commerce. What’s the word for that: chutzpah? meshuggener? Or is Moore’s read of the land that NC businesses are ready to support a modest minimum wage increase? Stay tuned.”
Here’s my word(s) for it: Moore’s opening move of the 2008 campaign.
And it’s a two-step.
The candidates will soon be reporting how much campaign money they raised in 2005. That’s in effect the first poll of the race.
Rumor is that Moore could report 2-3 times as much as Beverly Perdue. A rumor that comes from a big giver who is wondering who to support and has talked to people in both campaigns.
If Moore pulls that off, the political chattering class will sit up, take notice and chat up Moore.
So now he couples big money with a populist appeal. I haven’t seen any recent polls, but my guess is that a higher minimum wage is strongly supported by something like 95 percent of Democratic primary voters.
Big money and a big issue. They add up to a pretty shrewd move by Moore.