Return of John McCain
Watch for a John McCain comeback in the Republican presidential campaign.
Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney have taken their star turns. And the social conservatives who dominate the Republican Party can’t be happy.
Giuliani is taking them on directly. He says his support for abortion rights, gun control and gay rights should not matter.
Good luck.
Romney looks phonier and phonier every day. At least Giuliani has the guts to stand up for his beliefs. Romney either claims he changed his mind (abortion), never really believed what he said (gun rights) or never really said what he said (gay rights).
Romney’s is a shameful, groveling approach. It puts one in mind of what Gene McCarthy said after George Romney, Mitt’s father, claimed in 1968 that he was “brainwashed” on
So the door reopens for McCain, who has done his share of shameful groveling the past eight years.
But there is something authentic about McCain, a toughness and an independent streak. And he clearly has been a conservative – albeit a maverick – for a long time.
Giuliani has built his campaign on toughness and authenticity. But it’s time somebody asked what’s really behind the 9/11 mask.
I’m not sure what Rudy did then that was so great. He did look brave and decisive compared to George Bush, who – once he finished reading to schoolchildren – flew all over the country looking for a safe place to hide.
But was that mayoral theater truly presidential-level leadership? Why was Rudy’s popularity down the tubes when 9/11 came? And what about his short-lived effort to cancel elections and keep himself in office like some South American dictator?
The rhythms of politics would seem to dictate that Giuliani and Romney are due to go down, so McCain should go back up soon.
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Return of John McCain

Watch for a John McCain comeback in the Republican presidential campaign.
Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney have taken their star turns. And the social conservatives who dominate the Republican Party can’t be happy.
Giuliani is taking them on directly. He says his support for abortion rights, gun control and gay rights should not matter.
Good luck.
Romney looks phonier and phonier every day. At least Giuliani has the guts to stand up for his beliefs. Romney either claims he changed his mind (abortion), never really believed what he said (gun rights) or never really said what he said (gay rights).
Romney’s is a shameful, groveling approach. It puts one in mind of what Gene McCarthy said after George Romney, Mitt’s father, claimed in 1968 that he was “brainwashed” on
So the door reopens for McCain, who has done his share of shameful groveling the past eight years.
But there is something authentic about McCain, a toughness and an independent streak. And he clearly has been a conservative – albeit a maverick – for a long time.
Giuliani has built his campaign on toughness and authenticity. But it’s time somebody asked what’s really behind the 9/11 mask.
I’m not sure what Rudy did then that was so great. He did look brave and decisive compared to George Bush, who – once he finished reading to schoolchildren – flew all over the country looking for a safe place to hide.
But was that mayoral theater truly presidential-level leadership? Why was Rudy’s popularity down the tubes when 9/11 came? And what about his short-lived effort to cancel elections and keep himself in office like some South American dictator?
The rhythms of politics would seem to dictate that Giuliani and Romney are due to go down, so McCain should go back up soon.
Click Here to discuss and comment on this and other articles in our Forum.