Response to ‘Still Lost in the Desert’
Gary, I expect – whether Osama bin Laden carries out his threats or not – the 2006 elections are going to be about terrorism. We’re in a war, they’re people running around out there who chop people’s heads off with swords, take twenty-eight-year-old girls hostage, hate Americans and threaten to blow up or cities. What should the election be about if not that?
Bush may be – as some say – blundering as he fights the war on terrorism, but at least he’s got the one key fact down – we’re in a war, we have to fight, and we have to win. I couldn’t tell you – or guess – what John Kerry or Hillary Clinton or John Edwards want to do to win that war.
The Democrats have a lot going for them in the next election. Scandals. Gas prices. Growing discontent with the war in Iraq. But they’re not going to be able to dodge telling us how they would win the war on terrorism. John Kerry already tried that and it didn’t work.

Response to ‘Still Lost in the Desert’

Gary, I expect – whether Osama bin Laden carries out his threats or not – the 2006 elections are going to be about terrorism. We’re in a war, they’re people running around out there who chop people’s heads off with swords, take twenty-eight-year-old girls hostage, hate Americans and threaten to blow up or cities. What should the election be about if not that?
Bush may be – as some say – blundering as he fights the war on terrorism, but at least he’s got the one key fact down – we’re in a war, we have to fight, and we have to win. I couldn’t tell you – or guess – what John Kerry or Hillary Clinton or John Edwards want to do to win that war.
The Democrats have a lot going for them in the next election. Scandals. Gas prices. Growing discontent with the war in Iraq. But they’re not going to be able to dodge telling us how they would win the war on terrorism. John Kerry already tried that and it didn’t work.