Republicans Revert to Form on Immigration
George Bush ran as a “compassionate conservative” but hasn’t governed that way – until it came to immigration reform.
But his own party is having none of his compassion toward immigrants.
By voting 38-18 against his immigration bill, Senate Republicans officially certified Bush as a lame duck President.
This is no surprise. Republicans reverted to what they’ve used since 1964: good old racism.
In the 60s and 70s, they fought civil rights. In the 80s, it was the Martin Luther King holiday. In the 90s, it was affirmative action.
Today, it’s Hispanics.
And it can be a potent issue. I saw first-hand how Richard Burr hammered Erskine Bowles with it in 2004.
But a day of reckoning is coming. America is not going to deport 12 million Hispanics – illegals or not. One day, they and their children are going to be voting.
And they will remember how the Republicans voted.
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Republicans Revert to Form on Immigration

George Bush ran as a “compassionate conservative” but hasn’t governed that way – until it came to immigration reform.
But his own party is having none of his compassion toward immigrants.
By voting 38-18 against his immigration bill, Senate Republicans officially certified Bush as a lame duck President.
This is no surprise. Republicans reverted to what they’ve used since 1964: good old racism.
In the 60s and 70s, they fought civil rights. In the 80s, it was the Martin Luther King holiday. In the 90s, it was affirmative action.
Today, it’s Hispanics.
And it can be a potent issue. I saw first-hand how Richard Burr hammered Erskine Bowles with it in 2004.
But a day of reckoning is coming. America is not going to deport 12 million Hispanics – illegals or not. One day, they and their children are going to be voting.
And they will remember how the Republicans voted.
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