Republicans and Insurance Deadbeats
March 14, 2011 - by
A Democratic reader wonders why Republicans have gone soft on deadbeats.
Ronald Reagan excoriated “welfare queens.” The Tea Party denounced freeloaders who sponge off hard-working taxpayers. Republican Governors pick loud fights with public-employee “leeches” who get big salaries and generous benefits, courtesy of the taxpayers.
The reader asks: What about people who don’t buy health insurance?
The rest of us pick up their tab – through taxes, insurance premiums and our own payments to doctors and hospitals.
And the Republicans are enabling them by opposing the insurance mandate that is at the heart of Obama’s health-care reform.
Go figure.

Republicans and Insurance Deadbeats
March 14, 2011/

A Democratic reader wonders why Republicans have gone soft on deadbeats.
Ronald Reagan excoriated “welfare queens.” The Tea Party denounced freeloaders who sponge off hard-working taxpayers. Republican Governors pick loud fights with public-employee “leeches” who get big salaries and generous benefits, courtesy of the taxpayers.
The reader asks: What about people who don’t buy health insurance?
The rest of us pick up their tab – through taxes, insurance premiums and our own payments to doctors and hospitals.
And the Republicans are enabling them by opposing the insurance mandate that is at the heart of Obama’s health-care reform.
Go figure.