Relatives Assault Lower Caste Husband
The newspapers report thirty male relatives of Mohammed Iqbal’s wife ‘stormed into his mother’s village home, set on vengeance for the dishonor the marriage had brought on their family, chanting, You have mixed our honor with dirt, and slashed him with a dagger and an ax.’ They also “slit his brother’s ear and shot his mother in the thigh.”
According to the Human Rights Commission of
Not long ago the pope – gingerly – raised the issue of violence in Islamic cultures. For that act of political incorrectness he was immediately pummeled. But he had a point.
Instead of this type of violence being universally despised in
We, Americans, of course, do abhor this kind of violence. And that’s one reason the Islamic fundamentalists abhor us. What passes for honor in
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Relatives Assault Lower Caste Husband

The newspapers report thirty male relatives of Mohammed Iqbal’s wife ‘stormed into his mother’s village home, set on vengeance for the dishonor the marriage had brought on their family, chanting, You have mixed our honor with dirt, and slashed him with a dagger and an ax.’ They also “slit his brother’s ear and shot his mother in the thigh.”
According to the Human Rights Commission of
Not long ago the pope – gingerly – raised the issue of violence in Islamic cultures. For that act of political incorrectness he was immediately pummeled. But he had a point.
Instead of this type of violence being universally despised in
We, Americans, of course, do abhor this kind of violence. And that’s one reason the Islamic fundamentalists abhor us. What passes for honor in
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