Real Trouble
May 15, 2013 - by
You can easily flick aside a Republican witch hunt on Benghazi. After all, they’ve been at it since Mitt Romney popped off the first day.
You can manage a controversy about the IRS targeting Tea Party groups – so long as, unlike Nixon, the White House wasn’t involved.
But your Justice Department subpoenaed AP reporters’ phone records? Now you’ve got a real problem.
Now you’ve made reporters and editors mad. Now they’ll plunge into an orgy of Nixon comparisons and “second-term jinx” stories. Now they’ll cover all the congressional investigations and hearings into all of the above.
This too, you can manage. But you may have to chop off some heads. And you must keep calm and carry on.

Real Trouble
May 15, 2013/

You can easily flick aside a Republican witch hunt on Benghazi. After all, they’ve been at it since Mitt Romney popped off the first day.
You can manage a controversy about the IRS targeting Tea Party groups – so long as, unlike Nixon, the White House wasn’t involved.
But your Justice Department subpoenaed AP reporters’ phone records? Now you’ve got a real problem.
Now you’ve made reporters and editors mad. Now they’ll plunge into an orgy of Nixon comparisons and “second-term jinx” stories. Now they’ll cover all the congressional investigations and hearings into all of the above.
This too, you can manage. But you may have to chop off some heads. And you must keep calm and carry on.